The Society espouses the philosophy that information should be a free commodity, that interested collectors should be able to access Society publications as openly as possible. To that end it posts access to certain of its digital copies of its monograph titles. Click on one of the blue titles below to view it as a flip-book. Unless stated otherwise, all titles are in A4 format. Reviews of CPSGB monograph titles appear in the on-line index to Czechout under an item’s author. Paper copies of all monographs in print may be ordered from the Distribution Manager
.No. 10: The 25th Anniversary of Czechoslovak Independence: The 1943 London Exhibitions, by V. J. Králíček and W. A. Page (1996) ■ 54 pages. The story of the Sokol and stamp exhibitions organised in London in October/November 1943. Fully illustrated with colour cover of the exhibition miniature sheet.
No. 13: The Hradčany Issue, 1918–1920, by Robert Bradford (2000) ■ 40 pages. A history of the issue followed by a specialised listing by shade, paper type, plate numbers, perforations, specimen, forgeries, etc. Colour cover, two colour plates.
No. 4: Carpatho Ukraine: Postal Markings, 1938-1945, by Juan E. Page. (1985) ■ 49 pages. A detailed study of the changes brought about by the two-stage Hungarian occupation, the brief period of liberation and the final incorporation into the USSR. Many postmark illustrations and useful maps. £7.50, €9.00, rate C
No. 7: Index to articles on Czechoslovak philately, 1950–1979, by James Negus (1989) ■ 19 pages. £1.50, €2, rate B.
No. 8: Occupation of Czechoslovak Frontier Territories by Beck’s Poland from the Postal History View-Point, by Jiří Neumann (1989) ■ 50 pages and 3 maps. Historical background to the events of 1938/39, postmarks of the ceded post offices and railway post routes. Postmark illustrations. £7.50, €9, rate C.
No. 9: The Field Post of the Czechoslovak & Allied Forces in Russia 1918–1920, an anthology compiled by W. A. Page (1991) ■ 59 pages. Articles on the formation of the Army in Russia; on Captain Novotný, the founder of the field post; the stamps, cancellations and cachets; and photographs from 1919. £7.50, €9, rate C.
No. 11: The Sokols in Philately: Postal, commemorative postmarks & postcards, by Brian C. Day (1996) ■ 73 pages. Copiously illustrated, worldwide study of the philately of the Sokol movement. Colour cover, two colour plates. £10, €12, rate D. [Only a few copies available.]
No. 23: The 1923 Agriculture and Science Issue (Hospodářství a věda), by Mark Wilson (2010) ■ 34 pages. The first half deals with the three types of the 1923 recapitulation of the 1920 issue, including detailed consideration of why indeed there were three types. The second half covers the subtypes of each of the three values: 100 h, 200 h and 300 h. £7.50, €9, rate C. [Only the 2010 version with uncorrected page 29.]
No. 3: The Pošta Československo Overprints, by Roy A. Dehn. (1985) ■ 55 pages. A detailed and well illustrated study of the 1919 overprints on the stamps of Austria and Hungary. £7.50, €9.00, rate C.
No. 12: Military Cards of the Exiled Czechoslovak Forces in France and Great Britain, 1939–1945, by V. J. Králíček and W. A. Page (1999) ■ 36 pages. Detailed listing of the cards issued for the exiled forces, mainly from the first French period. £7.50, €9, rate C.
No. 16: The Czechoslovak Legion in Poland and in Russia, 1939–1941, and, Czechoslovaks in the Middle East, 1940–1943, by Dr Vratislav Palkoska and Otto Hornung (2003) ■ 54 pages. Military-historical and postal history story inc. Otto Hornung’s personal memories. Fully illustrated, some in colour. £10, €12, rate C.
No. 17: Czechoslovak Field Post, 1918–1921: A study of postal activities, by Brian C. Day (2002) ■ 141 pages. A detailed study of the early days of the Czechoslovak field posts with particular reference to activities in Slovakia and Carpatho-Ukraine. Fully illustrated, some in colour. £20, €24, rate D.
No. 6: The German Occupation of the Sudetenland, 1938, by W. A. Dawson (1988) ■ 71 pages. A postal-historical introduction, followed by a listing of the 1243 former Czechoslovak post offices with their Germanised names linked to the original Czechoslovak names. £9, €11, rate D.
No. 14: The Liberation of Olomouc May 1945: Postal arrangements including local and revolutionary overprint issues, by Robert J. Hill (2004) ■ 52 pages. A study of postmarks, cachets, labels, overprints and the Orlice stamp. £9, €11, rate C.
No. 18: Postal Arrangements Following the Liberation of Prague in May 1945, by Robert J. Hill (2005) ■ 110 pages. Bilingual English and Czech edition. Very detailed study of cancellations, overprints, postal stationery, postcards, commemorative sheets, etc. Fully illustrated, some in colour. Foreword by Peter Kleskovic, after-word by Otto Hornung. £16.50, €20, rate D.
No. 19: Bohemia & Moravia: A Collector’s Notebook, by John Hammonds, edited and additional research by Rex Dixon, based on the Ron Hollis Collection (2nd edition 2019) ■ 85 pages. Nineteen chapters on separate topics, with detailed tabulations including lists of Dienstpost offices and suboffices, railway TPOs, KLV camps, and the ‘V’ for Victory campaign. Postmarks and souvenirs for the centenary of the Penny Black. Detailed listings of postage rates. Bilingual (Czech/German) list of all the post offices. Fully illustrated, some in colour. £12, €14, rate D.
No. 21: Carpatho Ukraine: Postal History and Stamps 1786–2000, by J. Verlag (joint publication with the Vereniging voor Tsjechoslowakije Filatelie. 2nd enlarged edition 2008) ■ 239 pages. Comprehensive and detailed study of all aspects of this interesting territory, including list of post offices and postmarks. Fully illustrated with much colour. Ask whether in stock before ordering.
No. 22: Postmarks of the SO 1920 Plebiscite, by Oldřich Tovačovský et al, translation by Robert Kingsley of four articles that were serialised in Merkur Revue (2010) ■ 72 pages. The main article is a detailed study of the postmarks and usage in the Těšín, Orava and Spíš areas; other articles cover the TPOs, and the six offices that were briefly Czech in August 1920. Fully illustrated, with colour throughout. £15, €18, rate D.
No. 24: Travelling Post Offices in German-occupied Sudetenland: An anthology, by Dr Anthony M. Goodbody and Cyril Kidd (2010) ■ 36 pages. A survey of the TPOs with one or both of their terminals in the Sudetenland. Appendices contain lists of all the Sudeten TPOs and of all the TPO terminals with their Czech or Polish equivalents. Fully illustrated. £7.50, €9, rate C.
No. 25: Compendium of 1944–1945 Liberation Overprints, by Karel Holoubek, additional material and translation by Robert J. Hill (2012) ■ 322 pages, plus a CD with colour illustrations throughout. The results of a lifetime’s investigation into the documentation and memories of those who were involved with the production of the overprints in a revolutionary time. Fully illustrated. £17.50, €21, rate F.
No. 26: Free Czechoslovak Forces in France, 1939–1940: A historical and philatelic study, by Richard Beith (2013) ■ 72 pages. The postal and military history of the Free Czechoslovak Forces in France 1939–40. Fully illustrated. £18, €21.50, rate D.
No. 27: The Czechoslovak Independent Armoured Brigade in France and their Return Home, 1944–1945: A historical and philatelic study, by Richard Beith (2014) ■ 60 pages. The postal and military history of the Brigade in northern France up to VE Day and their return home in May 1945. Fully illustrated. £18, €21.50, rate D.
No. 28: Railway Mail in Slovakia and Ruthenia, by Dr Anthony M. Goodbody (2015) ■ 44 pages + map. TPOs and conductor posts on Slovak and Ruthene territory from 1867 to modern times; 12 appendices give detailed listings. £9, €11 , rate C.
No. 29: War Hospitals in Brünn during the Great War, by Hans van Dooremalen (2015) ■ 136 pages. The mail from and the organisation of the war hospitals located in the Moravian city of Brünn, now Brno. £20, €24, rate E.
No. 30: Czechoslovak Forces in the United Kingdom from 1940: A historical and philatelic study, by Richard Beith (2017) ■ 168 pages. The postal and military history of the Free Czechoslovak Forces in the UK including those serving in the RAF. Fully illustrated. £22.50, €27, rate E.
No. 31: The Hradčany: A Technical History, by Johan Sevenhuijsen and Mark Wilson (2018) ■ Two parts, 274 pages. Historical study into the origins and production of the first definitives, focusing on the process of their design and printing. Fully illustrated. £38, €44, rate G..
No. 32: The Dove Issue: A Handbook for Collectors of Stamps and Covers, by Jiří Kašpar, Jaroslav Moravec and Martin Kašpar, updated translation by Mark Wilson (2019) ■ 108 pages. The first comprehensive study in English of the Dove issue. Fully illustrated. £22.50, €27, rate E.
No. 33: Czechoslovak Letter Mail 1918-1939: Single and Multiple Stamp Frankings, by Oldřich Tovačovský, Jan Kypast and Vladimír Schödelbauer, translated and edited by Mark Wilson (2020) ■ 183 pages. Detailed information about each issue and tabulations of their correct usage in single and multiple frankings. Fully illustrated. £33, €39, rate G.