Danube River Fleet

Fieldpost of Austro-Hungarian river fleet in World War I. Jiří Nekvasil. Dec/1993, p. 100.

Dawson, William A

Dawson, W A 29 July 1916-16 June 2005. Robert J Hill. Sep/2005, p. 67.

Day of the Stamp (see Stamp Day Issues.)

Dead Letter Office (see Undelivered Mail.)

Design, Stamp (see Stamp Designs.)

Designers, Stamp (see Stamp Designers.)


Glossary of philatelic terminology [1st Edition]. Ludvik Z Svoboda, edited by Jolna Machalek, reviewed by William Alexander Page. Sep/1997, p. 59.

Glossary of philatelic terminology [2d edition]. Ludvik Z Svoboda, reviewed by Rex A Dixon. Mar/2001, p. 3.

Philatelic vocabulary in five languages. R P Oden, reviewed by Colin W Spong. Sep/1978, p. 2.

Professional stamp lexicon. Vlidimir Cermak, Herbert Ramisch, Juraj Rázga, reviewed by Brian C Day. Mar/2007, p. 6.

Disarmament (see Soviet-United States Summit Conference on Arms Reduction, 1988.)

Disinfected Mail

Carpatho-Ukraine: a cholera letter. Yvonne Wheatley. Sep/2020, p. 13.

Disinfected mail. Yvonne Wheatley. Dec/2016, p. 16.

District Court Reply Cards

District court reply cards. Yvonne Wheatley. Mar/2015, p. 8.

Dixon, Rex A

Rex Dixon. Yvonne Wheatley. Dec/2020, p. 6.


- Bohemia and Moravia

- - Labour Exchange Notice

From the Protektorat period in Czechoslovakia during World War II (1944). Vladimír J Králiček. Dec/1988, p. 92.

Donauflotille (see Danube River Fleet.)

Dove Issue

Colour changes in the Allegories. Yvonne Wheatley. Sep/2021, p. 7.

Czechoslovakia 1920-1923: the five typographic issues. Gerhard Hanacek. Sep/2007, p. 65.

Dove. Jan Karásek, translated by Mark Wilson, reviewed by Yvonne Wheatley. Sep/2013, p. 11.

Dove design. Cyril Wackett. Dec/1975, p. 14.

Dove Issue: a handbook for collectors. Jiří Kašpar, Martin Kašpar, translated by Mark Wilson, reviewed by Johan Sevenhuijsen. Sep/2019, p. 22.

- 5h

5 Haler dove: a preliminary history. Mark Wilson, reviewed by Yvonne Wheatley. Dec/2013, p. 7.

- - Blue

Blue 5 haler dove: from the first negative, plates I and II. Mark Wilson, reviewed by Yvonne Wheatley. Dec/2013, p. 7.

The blue 5 haler dove: Plates I-III, XI-XIV. Mark Wilson, reviewed by Yvonne Wheatley. Dec/2015, p. 10.

The blue 5 haler dove: propagation of the original second negative flaws in the blue dove plates. Mark Wilson, reviewed by Yvonne Wheatley. Dec/2015, p. 10.

- 10 h

The Holubice series. Jiří Kašpar, Martin Kašpar, translated by Mark Wilson, reviewed by Yvonne Wheatley. Sep/2010, p. 23.

- 15 h

15 haler Dove. Jaroslav Moravec, translated by Mark Wilson, reviewed by Johan Sevenhuijsen. Sep/2019, p. 24.

- 20 h Type 1

Origin of the 20 and 25 haler holubice types. Mark Wilson. Mar/2021, p. 10.

The Holubice series. Jiří Kašpar, Martin Kašpar, translated by Mark Wilson, reviewed by Yvonne Wheatley. Sep/2010, p. 23.

- 20 h Type 2

Origin of the 20 and 25 haler holubice types. Mark Wilson. Mar/2021, p. 10.

The Holubice series. Jiří Kašpar, Martin Kašpar, translated by Mark Wilson, reviewed by Yvonne Wheatley. Sep/2010, p. 23.

- 25 h

25 haler Dove. Mark Wilson. Sep/2015, p. 15.

- 25 h Type 1

Origin of the 20 and 25 haler holubice types. Mark Wilson. Mar/2021, p. 10.

- 25 h Type 2

Origin of the 20 and 25 haler holubice types. Mark Wilson. Mar/2021, p. 10.

The Holubice series. Jiří Kašpar, Martin Kašpar, translated by Mark Wilson, reviewed by Yvonne Wheatley. Sep/2010, p. 23.

- 25 h type I

25 haler Type I Dove. Jiří Kašpar, Jaroslav Moravec, Martin Kašpar, translated by Mark Wilson, reviewed by Johan Sevenhuijsen. Sep/2019, p. 24.

- 30 h

The Holubice series. Jiří Kašpar, Martin Kašpar, translated by Mark Wilson, reviewed by Yvonne Wheatley. Sep/2010, p. 23.

- Coil Stamps

Allegory stamps in booklet and coil formats. Mark Wilson. Dec/2023, p. 11.

- Counterfeits and Forgeries

Forgeries. Cyril Wackett. Dec/1975, p. 13.

- Tête-bêche [Tete-beche]

Allegory stamps in booklet and coil formats. Mark Wilson. Dec/2023, p. 11.

Tête-bêche varieties of 1921. Cyril Wackett. Dec/1975, p. 3.

Dubček, Alexander. 1921-1992 [Dubcek, Alexander]

Postcards and politics. Roger Morrell. Dec/2007, p. 103.

Dubrava, Stefan. 1915-2003

Dubrava, Colonel Stefan. Simon Edge. Jun/2003, p. 39.