Page, Juan E (Dr)

- As Reviewer

Zakarpatsko. Dec/1990, p. 81.

- As Translator

Blue strikes of field post office 46. Dec/1990, p. 94.

Postal agency of Nevičke: an unknown type of postmark. Mar/1996, p. 11.

Page, William Alexander

1943 London Czechoslovak stamp exhibition. Mar/1995, p. 6.

1945 liberation overprints of Frýdek (Friedek). Dec/1997, p. 87.

American army and related posts in Czechoslovakia from April 1945. Sep/1995, p. 60.

Another World War II find. Mar/1998, p. 9.

Belgica 1990. Sep/1990, p. 73.

BPF 69th congress - 1987. Sep/1987, p. 45.

British Airways Concorde. Mar/1991, p. 3.

Czechoslovak army - the return to Europe - some unanswered questions. Sep/1985, p. 111.

Czechoslovak army in France and UK, 1939-1945 France, 1940. Dec/1993, p. 112.

Czechoslovak army in World War II. Jun/1988, p. 23.

Czechoslovak postal museum. Jun/1988, p. 41.

Czechoslovaks in Antarctica. Dec/1991, p. 91.

Dolfa Bartošík (1907-1989) designer WW2 Czechoslovak fieldpost commemorative cancellers. Dec/1991, p. 94.

Early travelling post office train. Dec/1990, p. 84.

Exhibition of Czechoslovak stamps in London. Sep/1987, p. 37.

Finlandia 88 - a review. Sep/1988, p. 50.

Greetings to London 90! Jun/1990, p. 27.

Hafnia 87. Dec/1987, p. 51.

How it all began. Sep/1983, p. 28.

Ivan Strnad- graphic artist, designer, and illustrator. Jun/1999, p. 40.

Jindřich Křeček (Jituš) - war artist. Jun/1992, p. 41.

J. Mottl - publisher of military cards (1939-1940). Sep/1987, p. 42.

Letter from Vienna - WIPA 1981. Sep/1981, p. 63.

Little known Scout postal stationery card. Mar/1991, p. 17.

May 1945 - in the Olomouc Area. Dec/1992, p. 89.

Modern literary classic and its philatelic connections. Dec/1998, p. 90.

PHILEXFRANCE 82. Sep/1982, p. 106.

Philexfrance 89. Sep/1989, p. 80.

Postcodes. Dec/1994, p. 78.

Praga 78. Dec/1978, p. 2.

Praga 88 report. Dec/1988, p. 77.

Recent World War 2 find. Sep/1991, p. 72.

Secret marks. Jun/1994, p. 29.

Society display at the British Philatelic Exhibition October 14-19 1986. Dec/1986, p. 38.

Something different in special cancellations. Jun/1997, p. 35.

Staff Captain Alois Vašátko 50th death anniversary 1942-1992. Jun/1992, p. 43.

Story of an entire. Mar/1990, p. 21.

Unique UPU specimens. Dec/1991, p. 99.

USA - Czech relief. Sep/2000, p. 68.

Večerek, Oldřich. Sep/1987, p. 29.

Vojtěch Preissig. Dec/1992, p. 96.

World War I card. Jun/2000, p. 47.

- As Reviewer

Civil and military censorship during World War II. Mar/1994, p. 4.

Československá letecká pošta katalog 1945-1992. Sep/1995, p. 56.

Glossary of philatelic terminology [1st Edition]. Sep/1997, p. 59.

Revolutionary stamps and overprints 1939-1945 Local Issues 5th Edition. Sep/1996, p. 58.

- As Translator

Postmarks of Podzámčí. Jun/1990, p. 32.

Palkoska, Vratislav

Czechoslovak legion in Poland and in Russia 1939-41, and, Czechoslovaks in the Middle East 1940-43. Dec/2004, p. 98.

Royal Air Force field post in Prague 1945-46. Sep/2002, p. 65.

Parker, David

European stamp issues of the second world war. Dec/2015, p. 9.

Pawlik, George

Osterreichs Marine und Küste auf alten Post Karten. Jun/2005, p. 45.

Pearcy, Les

Philately in Prague. Jun/2002, p. 34.

Pearson, George

Czecho-Slovak legionnaires. May/1978, p. 5.

Dr. Tomáš G Masaryk. Sep/1987, p. 30.

George Pearson: an autobiography with philately as its main theme. May/1978, p. 10; Jun/1978, p. 10; Sep/1978, p. 9; Mar/1979, p. 4; Jun/1979, p. 3.

Hradčany design of 1918-1920. Sep/1975, p. 1.

Recent discovery of a rare watermark error of 1925. Sep/1975, p. 11.

Scout issue of 1918. Sep/1978, p. 5.

Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk. Sep/1975, p. 12.

Perry, John

Visit to Bratislava in May 1992. Sep/1992, p. 65.

Petrásek, Jaroslav [Petrasek, Jaroslav]

VIII international olympic congress Prague 1925. Jun/2005, p. 39.

Pettitt, Francis C

Mikoláš Aleš. Jun/1979, p. 9.

Praga 78 Booklets. Jun/1979, p. 5.

Pizer, Robin

Czech treatment of underpaid German mail. Jun/2008, p. 46.

Czechoslovak mail and German exchange controls 1918-1922. Jun/1988, p. 31.

Interesting exchange control story. Jun/2008, p. 49.

Mail between Czechoslovakia and Germany display. Jun/2008, p. 32.

Plachetka, Jan

Bubak's Countryside winds by a wide margin. Jun/2005, p. 46.

Forgeries in the museum. Mar/2005, p. 7.

Perforated champions: Czech stamps are amongst the best in the world. Dec/2004, p. 112.

Stamp of the year competition. Mar/2006, p. 15.

Who is going to win in Vancouver? Sep/2006, p. 75.


- As Publisher

Československo 1945-1992 specializovaný katalog 1997. Jun/1997, p. 31.

Polak, Tomas

Casemate’s squadron histories. Mar/2009, p. 4.

Pring, Dai

Moravský Kras and Macocha Abyss. Jun/2014, p. 11.

Perfin stamps with special reference to the present-day territory of the Czech Republic. Dec/2014, p. 12.

Pring, John David

Brno cathedral 1928 and 1929. Jun/2006, p. 52.

Czech stamps. Mar/1996, p. 13.

J.A.Comenius, 1592-1670. Sep/2006, p. 73.

More than just a flower. Jun/2007, p. 43.

Petite entente: malá dohoda. Mar/1998, p. 6.

Sports events of 1961 – the rugby stamp. Jun/1992, p. 40.

St Cyril and St Methodius - brothers and apostles of the Slavs. Jun/2008, p. 41.

Stamps of the first republic: the High Tatras. Dec/2009, p. 101.

The romantic poet Karel Hynek Macha (Machy 1810-1836). Jun/2005, p. 47.

Vyšehrad - symbol of Czech identity. Jun/2010, p. 44.

Public Records Office

SOE - Operations in Eastern Europe: a guide to the records in the Public Records Office. Mar/2002, p. 4.

Pytlíček, Ludvik [Pytlicek, Ludvik]

Nejvzácnější československé pošovní známky (Rarest Czechoslovak Stamps). Sep/2010, p. 65.