van Dam, Theo

- As Editor

Postal history of the American Expeditionary Force 1917-1923. Dec/1980, p. 40.

van Dooremalen, Hans

1914 Sokol festival in Brno. Jun/2013, p. 20.

Czech national philatelic exhibition, Liberec 2019. Dec/2019, p. 29.

Czechoslovakia at Postex 2007. Mar/2008, p. 5.

Post office in the Schwarzadlergasse, Brno. Jun/2022, p. 16.

Prisoner of war camp in Brno-Jundrov. Sep/2022, p. 21.

Story of the first Dutch language handbook. Mar/2013, p. 19.

Three-colour franking. Jun/2014, p. 18.

Uses of the express stamp. Mar/2015, p. 10.

War hospitals in Brünn during the great war. Mar/2016, p. 7.

- As Reviewer

Bibilderter Katalog der Gelegenheits- und Sonderpostä in Österreich. Mar/2013, p. 10.

Pošta čs. vojsk v Rusku 1914-20. Mar/2017, p. 7.

- As Translator

Priority Post. Mar/2004, p. 14.

van Loo, Frans

Analysis of the bilingual postal cancellations in the German-Czech provinces of Austria-Humgary during the period 1867-1919: Part 1. Mar/2023, p. 11.

Analysis of the bilingual postal cancellations in the German-Czech provinces of Austria-Hungary during the period 1867-1919 -- part 2. Jun/2023, p. 11.

van Riet, W

First multicolour cancellations. Jun/2007, p. 41.

van Zanten, Gerald M

PRAGA 78: a personal view. Dec/1978, p. 7.

Vančura, Vlasislav [Vancura, Vlasislav]

- As Director

Marijka the unfaithful 1934; DVD, directed by V.Vančura. Mar/2011, p. 5.

Vandervelde, Denis

Official document of interest. Dec/2005, p. 96.

Večerek, Oldřich [Vecerek, Oldrich]

Czechoslovak army field post office guide to postal tariffs in Great Britain and overseas. Dec/1994, p. 80.

Small WWII mystery. Dec/2009, p. 98.

Vender, Milan (Dr)

Philatelic dreams. Mar/1988, p. 13.

- As Translator

Bulletin 9/1935. Mar/1990, p. 4.

Changeover dates of postal rates. Dec/1989, p. 93.

First postcard. Dec/1990, p. 89.

Verleg, Jan

Carpatho Ukraine postal history and stamps 1786-2000. Dec/2007, p. 98.

Verner, Jaroslav J

Letters to the editor. Dec/1985, p. 125.

Mail of the Czechoslovak legions in France. Dec/2002, p. 118.

Pošta čs. vojsk v Rusku 1914-20. Mar/2017, p. 7.

- As Translator

Herčík, Josef. Dec/1999, p. 87.

Vidlak, Paul

- As Translator

East Bohemian overprint. Sep/2008, p. 72.

Vinokurov, Ardalion

Fieldpost in Russia 1914-1918. Jun/2008, p. 36.

Vogel, Heinz

1946 air mail stamps and the Douglas DC4. Mar/2002, p. 8.

Aviation in Czechoslovak philately. Dec/1980, p. 34.

Sir Nicholas Winton. Sep/2015, p. 11.

Vogels' escape from Ostrava. Sep/2013, p. 19.

Voloncs, Gabor

Czechoslovak stamps used in Hungary. Sep/1986, p. 28.

Vondra, Anne G

Letters to the editor: Specialist index. Jun/2004, p. 34.

Vondra, Mirko L

- As Translator

Schedule of postal rates. Mar/1995, p. 22.

Vostatek, Miroslav (Dr)

Automated postal system (APOST) in the Czech Republic. Mar/2001, p. 20.

Czech soldiers on the Thessalonika front 1917-1918. Jun/1997, p. 34.

Czechoslovak field post office in Great Britain during World War II. Sep/2006, p. 71.

Czechslovakak air force after 1918. Sep/2005, p. 77.

Government forces post. Jun/1996, p. 42.

Postal provisions of the Protectorate militia. Jun/1992, p. 44.

Postmarks of Podzámčí. Jun/1990, p. 32.

Some thoughts on plate faults and perforations. Sep/2000, p. 74.

Those that stayed behind: France 1940. Sep/1986, p. 26.

Travelling post office has much in common with Pardubice. Sep/2001, p. 61.

Velichovky 1945: Were the Americans that far to the east? Sep/1990, p. 69.

Vitorazsko. Jun/1994, p. 37.

Votoček, Emil [Votocek, Emil]

Czech postmarks from the beginnings to the year 1918: MČZ No. 13. Jun/1977, p. 1.