Danesch, Hartwig

- As Translator

German censor in Pressburg/Bratislava. Mar/2003, p. 10.

Davis, H C

Post Hapsburg index. May/1978, p. 5.

Davis, P R

Post Hapsburg index. May/1978, p. 5.

Davison, Ted

Another interesting find. Mar/1989, p. 20.

Dawson, William A

Covers of interest: headless Chainbreaker. Dec/2000, p. 96.

Czechoslovak Polní Pošta 1938. Jun/1975, p. 4.

Czechoslovakia's currency reform 1.6.1953. Dec/1990, p. 77.

Forgeries of Czechoslovak issues. Mar/1988, p. 6.

Interesting Protektorat official cover. Dec/1995, p. 89.

Merkur Revue. Jun/1996, p. 32.

Official document of interest. Dec/2005, p. 100.

Postcard of interest: bisects. Mar/2002, p. 21.

Praga 78 balloon posts. Mar/1981, p. 42.

Secret marks. Jun/1994, p. 29.

Sudetenland - the German occupation of southern Bohemia. Sep/2001, p. 65.

Vzácnosti a zajimavosti československých známek (Rare and remarkable Czech postage stamps). Dec/2000, p. 90.

- As Reviewer

Trojan catalogue Protektorát Čechy a Morava / Slovenský Štat 1939-1945 / Sudety 1938. Mar/1997, p. 3.

Day, Brian C

40th anniversary exhibition, 1993. Dec/1993, p. 87.

Boxed P.I. and numbered censor marks. Dec/2002, p. 95.

Calendar of young defenders of the nation 1938. Jun/2006, p. 41.

Covers of interest: Kay Goodman. Jun/2003, p. 52.

Covers of interest: Sokol. Mar/2005, p. 13.

Czechoslovak workers' gymnastic organizations. Jun/2007, p. 48.

Interesting covers: Jiří Mucha. Sep/2007, p. 71.

National exhibition of postage stamps 2007 in Hradec Králové. Jun/2007, p. 36.

Postcard of interest: Czechoslovak Catholic mission in France. Jun/2004, p. 49.

Postcard of interest: Hungarian negotiating team. Mar/2001, p. 5.

Postcard of interest; London Czech committee. Jun/2005, p. 38.

Sokol games. Jun/1989, p. 49.

Trans-Siberian railway postmarks. Jun/1998, p. 47.

Úprka, Jóža: painter and printmaker 1861-1940. Sep/2005, p. 79.

- As Reviewer

Bohemia poster stamps. Sep/2006, p. 68.

Czechoslovak army In Ukraine 1914-1920 (Book 1). Sep/2007, p. 70.

Československo 1945-1992 specializovaný katalog 1997. Jun/1997, p. 31.

Fleeing from the Führer. Dec/2011, p. 73.

Professional stamp lexicon. Mar/2007, p. 6.

Dehn, Roy A

Amendment to our monograph no. 3 1985. Dec/1991, p. 84.

Bratislava exhibition. Sep/1998, p. 65.

Czech type F overprint: an interesting forged setting. Jun/1995, p. 33.

Československá overprints. Dec/1976, p. 2.

First fifty years of Czechoslovak airmails. Mar/1989, p. 7; Jun/1989, p. 31.

Hradčany issue - type IV. Sep/1988, p. 70.

Is this a first day of issue mark? Mar/1993, p. 6.

Matter of definition. Dec/1992, p. 92.

Monografie vol 2. Dec/1981, p. 71.

Perforations of 30h violet. Dec/1989, p. 86.

Prague castle 25 heller: damaged plate. Jun/1996, p. 33.

S.G Czechoslovakia and the legionary issue of 1919. Jun/1987, p. 13.

Tabbed stamps of Czechoslovakia. Dec/1996, p. 84.

Typography of Masaryk's 70th birthday. Mar/1993, p. 15.

Dissen, Eckart H

Czechoslovak issues for the New York World’s Fair, 1939 and 1940. Dec/1998, p. 83.

Dixon, Rex A

Brno 2005. Jun/2005, p. 29.

Business reply cards. Jun/1997, p. 40.

Children's evacuation camps in Bohemia & Moravia. Sep/2014, p. 20.

České a Slovenské postovné (1900-1958) Czech and Slovak Postal Agencies. Sep/2006, p. 68.

How much to send a postcard from the Protectorate to Slovakia. Jun/2019, p. 10.

It pays to browse. Mar/1996, p. 17.

More on the Tatra lake mystery. Jun/2013, p. 18.

Polish annexation of Teschen Silesia, 1938-1939: Zaolzie. Jun/2020, p. 9.

Postal rates in Bohemia Moravia protectorate. Dec/2000, p. 99.

Report of the Society weekend. Sep/2005, p. 60.

Sir Nicholas Winton. Mar/2017, p. 13.

Slovak State foreign mail exemplars: Part I. Jun/2017, p. 23.

Slovak State foreign mail exemplars: Part II. Sep/2017, p. 23.

Slovak State foreign postal rates: Part I. Jun/2017, p. 2.

Slovak State foreign postal rates: Part II. Sep/2017, p. 2.

Slovak State inland mail exemplars. Mar/2017, p. 14.

Slovak State inland postal rates: Part I. Dec/2016, p. 2.

Slovak State inland postal rates: Part II. Mar/2017, p. 2.

SO 1920 stamps used in the Hlučínsko Region. Jun/2012, p. 30.

Society weekend 17-19 October 1997 at Maidencombe. Dec/1997, p. 80.

Society weekend held Friday 1 to Sunday 3 October 1999 at the Manor House Hotel, Leamington Spa. Dec/1999, p. 84.

Society weekend in Worthing 2013. Sep/2013, p. 6.

Two-colour postmark in Heidelberg in 1948. Sep/2022, p. 7.

- As Contributor

Bohemia and Moravia: a collector’s notebook. Mar/2010, p. 4.

- As Editor

From Monograph No, 19: the KLV camps. Mar/2020, p. 11.

- As Reviewer

Deutsches Reich - Postgebührenkatalog 1923 bis 1945. Dec/1996, p. 83.

European stamp issues of the second world war. Dec/2015, p. 9.

Glossary of philatelic terminology [2d edition]. Mar/2001, p. 3.

Specialized catalogue of postal stationery of Bohemia and Moravia. Mar/2001, p. 4.

- As Translator

Postal rates in Bohemia Moravia Protectorate. Dec/1999, p. 91; Jun/2000, p. 48; Sep/2000, p. 75.

Dobrovolný, Jan (Dr) [Dobrovolny, Jan (Dr)]

- As Reviewer

Monografie československých a českých známek 20. Mar/2003, p. 4.

Doležalová, Jarmila [Dolezalova, Jarmila]

Křižovatky času – Ležáky v datech (The village of Ležáky). Sep/2008, p. 67.

Doležalová, Michaela [Dolezalova, Michaela]

Křižovatky času – Ležáky v datech (The village of Ležáky). Sep/2008, p. 67.

Doney, John McKay

PRAGA 78: a personal view. Dec/1978, p. 7.

Dražan, Vladimír [Drazan, Vladimir]

Extraordinary cover from the 1953 Czechoslovak currency reform. Mar/2014, p. 5.

Dubyniak, Roman

Czechoslovak army In Ukraine 1914-1920 (Book 1). Sep/2007, p. 70; Mar/2016, p. 9.

KuK Ukrainische Legion Fieldpostkorrespondenzkarten 1914-1918. Sep/2000, p. 62.

Postal history of the Ukraine: Austro-Hungarian army in Ukraine censor handstamps 1914-1918. Sep/2000, p. 62.

Postal history of Ukraine: Ukrainian legion postcards. Sep/2004, p. 71.

Duchoň, Tomáš [Duchon, Tomas]

Karel Hujer: postcards from the realm of stars. Jun/2024, p. 19.

Dudáček, Lubomir [Dudacek, Lubomir]

Dopravni letiště Prahy [Airports of Prague]1918-1946. Mar/2000, p. 4.

Duggan, John

LZ 130 zeppelin-post. Sep/1991, p. 55.

Dušik, Jaroslav [Dusik, Jaroslav]

Prestamp postmarks of the Vyškov post office. Dec/1995, p. 84.