Bachertý, Mirko [Bacherty, Mirko]

German censor in Pressburg/Bratislava. Mar/2003, p. 10.

Bachratý, Miroslav [Bachraty, Miroslav]

Slovakia 1938-1945. Postal history. Mar/2021, p. 22.

Backeljauw, Frederik D A

First multicolour cancellations. Dec/2007, p. 99.

Postal museum at Banská Bystrica. Dec/2009, p. 99.

Prague bourses. Jun/1993, p. 50.

Bailey, Mark

Czechoslovakia at EXPO '58, Brussels. Mar/2017, p. 9.

Barling, Geoff

Postal rates of Croatia and Srem. Sep/1999, p. 57.

Postal rates of the Yugoslav territories. Jun/2004, p. 39.

Baron, Derek

Early railway delivery. Mar/2014, p. 19.

Moravská brigáda -- the Moravian brigade. Jun/2016, p. 21.

- As Reviewer

Liberation of Olomouc. Dec/2004, p. 97.

Baumgartner, Lother

Osterreichs Marine und Küste auf alten Post Karten. Jun/2005, p. 45.

Baxter, Douglas D

Bautzen (Budyšin). Sep/2007, p. 70.

- As Translator

650 years of the golden bull. Sep/2007, p. 84.

Business reply cards. Jun/1997, p. 40.

Czech railway post in the 1998/99 timetable. Jun/2003, p. 48.

German censor in Pressburg/Bratislava. Mar/2003, p. 10.

Office for checking foreign mail: Vienna. Mar/2003, p. 17; Jun/2003, p. 54; Sep/2003, p. 73.

Perforation varieties on Czech and Slovak stamps. Dec/2001, p. 100.

Postal documents relating expulsion and resettling from the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic II in 1945/48. Dec/2004, p. 101.

Postal rates in Bohemia Moravia Protectorate. Dec/1999, p. 91; Jun/2000, p. 48; Sep/2000, p. 75.

Railway post in the Czech Republic at the present time. Dec/2002, p. 99.

Specialist catalog of Czechoslovak entires 1918-1992. Dec/1994, p. 78.

Beith, Richard

2001 Residential weekend in Chester. Mar/2001, p. 26.

Additions to monograph 27. Dec/2018, p. 18.

Airmail from Bohemia & Moravia and the Slovak State to the USA via LATI and South America, 1940-1941. Mar/2016, p. 13.

Another Jituš design. Sep/2001, p. 71.

Czech forces in Great Britain in 1917. Mar/2006, p. 5.

Czechoslovak forces in France, 1939-1940. Dec/2014, p. 8.

Czechoslovak forces in the United Kingdom from 1940. Jun/2018, p. 8.

Czechoslovak independent armoured brigade in France and their return home, 1944-1945. Sep/2015, p. 9.

Czechoslovak independent armoured brigades in France and their return home. Dec/2014, p. 8.

Czechoslovak independent brigade in Great Britain and their return home 1940-1945. Mar/2007, p. 2.

Even more on airmail postal rates. Sep/1996, p. 69.

Free Czechoslovak airmen in the Bahamas. Sep/2012, p. 54.

Free Czechoslovak forces in France 1939-40. Sep/2015, p. 9.

General Heliodor Pika. Sep/2018, p. 23.

Have you visited the post office archives lately? Dec/1997, p. 83.

Hornung, Otto. Jun/2013, p. 5.

Letters to the editor: Dvořák. Jun/2004, p. 35.

More on air mail postage rates. Mar/1995, p. 21.

One man's war: Colonel Frank (František) Kaplan, 1921-2013". Mar/2015, p. 20.

Perth 2012. Dec/2012, p. 75.

Postal history of the free Czechoslovak forces in Great Britain 1940-1945. Dec/2005, p. 94.

Postcards of interest: allied free forces. Jun/2002, p. 43.

Recent airmail acquisition; Prague to Nebraska. Sep/1998, p. 62.

Royal mail archive. Dec/2004, p. 100.

Sir Nicholas Winton. Mar/2017, p. 13.

Slavkou u Brna/Austerlitz. Dec/2010, p. 100.

Slovenští letci - Slovak airmen 1939-1941. Sep/1997, p. 59.

Stamps of the Wallachian pigeon post. Sep/2013, p. 16.

Story behind two covers. Dec/2018, p. 20.

The story behind the stamp. Mar/2017, p. 22.

Undercover addresses for free Czechoslovak forces in the UK during World War II. Jun/2014, p. 16.

What plane is that? Czechoslovak mystery from 1930. Sep/2004, p. 82.

- As Reviewer

Aero 1919-1999: illustrated history of an aircraft builder. Mar/2000, p. 4.

Airmail operations during World War II. Sep/1999, p. 57.

Czechoslovakia in a nationalist and fascist Europe 1918-1948. Dec/2008, p. 99.

Český a Slovenský exil, 20 stoleti (Czechs and Slovaks in exile in 20th Century). Jun/2004, p. 39.

Dopravni letiště Prahy [Airports of Prague]1918-1946. Mar/2000, p. 4.

Icare revue de l’aviation Française No 131. Mar/2000, p. 5.

Katalog československá letecká pošta 1918–1939. Jun/1999, p. 30.

My struggle for freedom. Dec/2010, p. 96.

Narrow escapes! Sep/2014, p. 5.

Secret history of the Czech connection: the Czechoslovak government in exile in London and Buckinghamshire during the second world war. Sep/2005, p. 67.

Slovakia, the path to nationhood. Sep/2003, p. 71.

SOE - Operations in Eastern Europe: a guide to the records in the Public Records Office. Mar/2002, p. 4.

Ukraine, the birth of a modern nation. Sep/2008, p. 67.

Beneš, František [Benes, Frantisek]

Mail service in ghetto Terezín 1941-1945. Jun/1997, p. 31.

POFIS catalogue of Czechoslovakia 1918-1939. Sep/1999, p. 57.

Reinhard Heydrich - Protectorate miniature sheet. Mar/2001, p. 12; Jun/2001, p. 35.

Unissued President Ludvík Svoboda souvenir sheets. Jun/2022, p. 21.

Benford, Mervyn

Czech postal agencies. Sep/2009, p. 67.

Russian field post offices during the Austro/Russian campaign in Hungary 1849. Sep/1986, p. 23.

Visszatért period in Hungarian philately. Dec/1989, p. 107.

Water in Hungarian philately. Mar/1994, p. 4.

Bisschops, Jan

- As Reviewer

Slovakia 1938-1945. Postal history. Mar/2021, p. 22.

Bitton, Miloslav

Narrow escapes! Sep/2014, p. 5.

Black, Robert J

Unknown Hussite. Jun/1985, p. 105.

Východná 25th folk festival. Jun/1986, p. 20.

Bláha, Miroslav [Blaha, Miroslav]

Zakarpatsko. Dec/1990, p. 81.

Blasé, C H [Blase, C H]

Bohemia poster stamps. Sep/2006, p. 68.

Cinderella stamps of Bohemia and Czechoslovakia Part 1 Bohemia; Wehrschatz stamps. Mar/2004, p. 6.

Bosworth, Anthony J

Brno 2000 exhibition. Jun/2000, p. 26.

- As Reviewer

Postal rates of Croatia and Srem. Sep/1999, p. 57.

Postal rates of the Yugoslav territories. Jun/2004, p. 39.

Bosworth, Lindy

Bratislava tapestries. Mar/2022, p. 19.

First republic airmails. Sep/2023, p. 14.

First Republic airmails – the pioneering years. Dec/2022, p. 8.

From the chairman. Jun/2003, p. 42.

Josef Herčík: Czech Engraver. Jun/2021, p. 14.

Munich international stamp fair. Jun/2010, p. 33.

Pages from my collection -- commercial advertising. Dec/2019, p. 10.

Sokol. Jun/2024, p. 9.

Some unissued Czechoslovak stamp designs. Sep/2022, p. 13.

- As Reviewer

Philosophy and politics of Czech dissidence from Patočka to Havel. Jun/2001, p. 30.

Bouška, Miroslav (Dr) [Bouska, Miroslav (Dr)]

50th anniversary of the Czechoslovak mobile post office. Jun/1996, p. 38.

Boyes, Robert

Picture postcards: Czechoslovakia and the Nazis. Mar/2007, p. 24.

Boyle, Thomas H (Jr)

Airmail operations during World War II. Jun/1999, p. 31; Sep/1999, p. 57.

Bradford, Robert

Hradčany issue 1918-1920. Mar/2005, p. 5.

Request: Czech gardeners in France. Mar/2009, p. 21.

Bradley, J F N

Czechoslovakia – a short history. Mar/1980, p. 2.

Brandon, Keith

Misdirected mail from the future Czechoslovakia. Mar/2014, p. 13.

Brendl, Lumír [Brendl, Lumir]

Czechs and Slovaks in exile in the 20th century. Jun/2005, p. 48.

Petr Ginz's drawing on a Czech postage stamp. Mar/2005, p. 6.

Brindle, Michael P

Registration labels after WW2. Sep/2004, p. 78.

Brinson, Charmain

Fleeing from the Führer. Dec/2011, p. 73.

Brown, Martin David

Dealing with democrats, the British Foreign Office and the Czechoslovak émigrés in Great Britain 1939-1945. Sep/2008, p. 66.

Bullock, David

Czech Legion 1914-20. Mar/2010, p. 4.

Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Tschechoslowakei

New specialized Slovak postal stationery catalogue. Dec/2016, p. 10.

Buxton, Maurice

Refused insured letters. Jun/2012, p. 32.

Bylen, Peter

Carpatho-Ukraine a catalogue-checklist. Sep/1996, p. 58.