Wackett, Cyril

1946 air mail stamps and the Douglas DC4. Mar/2002, p. 8.

Agriculture and Science Issue 1923. Sep/1976, p. 4.

Allegory issues of 1920-25. Dec/1975, p. 3.

Chainbreaker or Freed Republic design. Dec/1975, p. 6.

Dove design. Dec/1975, p. 14.

Exhibition at Worthing 1974 cover. Mar/1975, p. 10.

Famous people on stamps: Božena Němcová. Jun/1976, p. 2.

Forgeries. Dec/1975, p. 13; Dec/1975, p. 13.

Forgeries of Czechoslovakia. Mar/1975, p. 5.

History of the Czechoslovak Philatelic Society of Great Britain. Mar/1975, p. 2.

Postage Due, error 50h on 50h. Mar/1976, p. 10.

Retouch of the 'Egg' variety of the 50h. Jun/1976, p. 3.

Spiral variety of the Hradčany issue. Sep/1976, p. 2.

Stamps commemorating the jubilee of the death of Jan Žižka. Jun/1976, p. 4.

Study of the Czechoslovakian 1945 liberation issues. Mar/1988, p. 4.

Tête-bêche varieties of 1921. Dec/1975, p. 3.

Two types of the 400h value of the Agriculture and Science issue of 23rd June, 1920. Dec/1975, p. 4.

Walker, Derek

Brno 2000 exhibition. Jun/2000, p. 26.

Easter card from a Russian family to a prisoner of war, Theresienstadt 1917. Mar/2014, p. 18.

Postex 2012. Dec/2012, p. 76.

Sachsenhausen Camp World War II. Mar/2009, p. 3.

War heroes memorials. Dec/2016, p. 25.

Wallace, William V

Czechoslovakia. Mar/1980, p. 2.

Watson, Alexander

Ring of steel. Mar/2016, p. 7.

Weissenstein, Josef

Cessation of postage due. Mar/1987, p. 8.

Wewer, Heinz

German occupation of the Protectorate as a subject of social philately. Sep/2019, p. 20.

Wheatley, Richard

Bill Dawson lecture 2017. Jun/2017, p. 22.

Czech registration labels after WW2. Dec/2003, p. 115.

Czechoslovak censorship: the 'Steamboat'. Mar/2020, p. 8.

Czechoslovak mail to Austria after World War II. Mar/2014, p. 17.

Liberation stamps and their usage. Jun/2020, p. 17.

Parcel Cards. Mar/2022, p. 10.

Registration labels after ww2. Sep/2004, p. 77.

UNRRA 558. Dec/2011, p. 77.

Varities on the War Hero Stamps. Mar/2014, p. 16.

- As Reviewer

Postal history of the Ukraine: Austro-Hungarian army in Ukraine censor handstamps 1914-1918. Sep/2000, p. 62.

Wheatley, Yvonne

1943 exhibition of Czechoslovak stamps in London. Sep/2023, p. 9.

Association of British Pilatelic Societies Award of Merit. Jun/2019, p. 9.

Brno 2000 exhibition. Jun/2000, p. 26.

Card of interest: Hradčany replica. Sep/2009, p. 76.

Carpatho-Ukraine: a cholera letter. Sep/2020, p. 13.

Colin Spong remembered. Mar/2021, p. 9.

Colour changes in the Allegories. Sep/2021, p. 7.

Currency reform. Jun/2019, p. 15.

De la Rue collection: banknote control stamps. Sep/2012, p. 57.

Disinfected mail. Dec/2016, p. 16.

District court reply cards. Mar/2015, p. 8.

Field post of the Czech army in Siberia. Sep/1989, p. 67.

History of Czechoslovakia 1918-1992. Mar/2024, p. 17.

Impressions of Praga 2018. Sep/2018, p. 9.

Men of the London issue. Sep/2016, p. 21.

On the occasion of the 90th birthday of Colin W Spong. Mar/2020, p. 6.

On the occasion of the 90th birthday of Yvonne Gren. Sep/2019, p. 10.

Postcard written by a relative of Josef Rössler-Ořovský? Jun/2024, p. 8.

Praga 98. Dec/1998, p. 96.

Report on the joint meeting with the APS. Mar/2020, p. 7.

Rex Dixon. Dec/2020, p. 6.

Survey on varieties of the Allegory issues. Mar/2016, p. 11.

- As Reviewer

1919-1920. The lost issues. Jun/2019, p. 23.

5 Haler dove: a preliminary history. Dec/2013, p. 7.

Abstract design [plating guides]. Sep/2016, p. 9; Dec/2016, p. 9.

Agriculture and Science 1920. Sep/2013, p. 11.

Agriculture and Science 1923. Sep/2013, p. 11.

Blue 5 haler dove: from the first negative, plates I and II. Dec/2013, p. 7.

Captioned design [plating guides]. Dec/2014, p. 8; Dec/2015, p. 9; Sep/2016, p. 9.

Chainbreaker. Mar/2014, p. 30.

Circles design [and its plating guides]. Jun/2014, p. 7.

Czech Graphics Union's typographic technologies and practices as revealed by first republic stamps. Mar/2016, p. 12.

Czechoslovak post office names. Dec/2015, p. 10.

Československo 1918-1939 E catalogue. Mar/2012, p. 3.

Dove. Sep/2013, p. 11.

Fates of the children from Lidice and Ležáky. Mar/2018, p. 8.

Hradčany. Mar/2016, p. 8.

Hradčany issue 1918-1920. Mar/2005, p. 5.

Jubilee and charity issue of 1919. Sep/2020, p. 22.

KuK Ukrainische Legion Fieldpostkorrespondenzkarten 1914-1918. Sep/2000, p. 62.

Legionářské study series. Dec/2020, p. 22.

Masaryk, the intaglio issues. Jun/2019, p. 23.

Mucha express stamps: 2 haler. Mar/2015, p. 6.

Mucha express stamps: 5 haler. Dec/2015, p. 10.

New POD titles. Mar/2021, p. 21.

The blue 5 haler dove: Plates I-III, XI-XIV. Dec/2015, p. 10.

The blue 5 haler dove: propagation of the original second negative flaws in the blue dove plates. Dec/2015, p. 10.

The Holubice series. Sep/2010, p. 23.

Whitehorn, Mark

- As Reviewer

Slovakia specialized catalogue 2001. Jun/2001, p. 30.

Whiteside, John L

1925 President Masaryk definitives. Dec/1979, p. 6.

Austrian postage rates up to 1918. Dec/1987, p. 63.

Censorship of mail entering the German Reich 1939–1945. Mar/2003, p. 16.

Critique. Dec/2005, p. 103; Mar/2006, p. 25.

Czech currency. Mar/2009, p. 24.

Czechoslovak military posts in Slovakia 1918-1920. Mar/1981, p. 44; Jun/1981, p. 53.

Czechoslovakia - some notes on the usage of postage due stamps. Mar/1983, p. 4; Jun/1983, p. 19.

First republic the early days. Dec/1989, p. 89.

Hyperinflation. Dec/1992, p. 87.

Italian fieldpost in Slovakia - 1919. Jun/1988, p. 37.

Methods of paying invoices via the post office. Mar/1997, p. 13.

Money orders: some random notes on these in the first republic. Jun/2000, p. 31.

Official mail. Jun/1993, p. 39.

Parcel post in the Czech lands. Sep/1988, p. 57.

Postgut parcel service. Jun/1993, p. 37.

PRAGA 78: a personal view. Dec/1978, p. 7.

Prague administration districts and post ofices, names, and numbers. Dec/1998, p. 89.

Provisional. Sep/1985, p. 116.

- As Reviewer

Monografia česko-slovenských poštovných známok XV. Jun/1996, p. 31.

- As Translator

Slovakia airmail supplements as of 6th May 1940. Dec/1995, p. 87.

Whitewater, Carl

Highland heroes. Dec/2010, p. 112.

Williams, Bernard

Art on Czechoslovak stamps. Jun/2010, p. 43.

Williams, David M

Via POB 506 Lisbon - a further find. Jun/1992, p. 30.

Williams, Peter

First open Zoom meeting. Mar/2021, p. 8.

Society weekend in Worthing 2016. Jun/2016, p. 5.

What is on the reverse of the České Budějovice liberation overprints? Mar/2016, p. 23.

Williams, Peter G

Looking forward. Jun/2005, p. 37.

Stevens, John. Sep/2008, p. 65.

What's on your bookshelf? Mar/2013, p. 11.

Wilson, Mark

1923 Agriculture and Science Issue: an update to the 300h type III section. Mar/2013, p. 12.

1923 Agriculture and Science Issue: dispelling the type IV myth. Mar/2013, p. 13.

21st century index to the Czechoslovak Specialist. Mar/2010, p. 5.

25 haler Dove. Sep/2015, p. 15.

5 Haler dove: a preliminary history. Dec/2013, p. 7.

Abstract design [plating guides]. Sep/2016, p. 9; Dec/2016, p. 9.

Agriculture and science issue. Jun/2012, p. 35.

Allegory stamps in booklet and coil formats. Dec/2023, p. 11.

Blue 5 haler dove: from the first negative, plates I and II. Dec/2013, p. 7.

Captioned design [plating guides]. Dec/2014, p. 8; Dec/2015, p. 9; Sep/2016, p. 9.

Cheating the post office -- five Czech Republic forgeries. Sep/2017, p. 10.

Circles design [and its plating guides]. Jun/2014, p. 7.

Corrections to the description of the 300 haler Type II and III subtypes. Mar/2019, p. 7.

Czech Graphics Union's typographic technologies and practices as revealed by first republic stamps. Mar/2016, p. 12.

Czech Republic stamp booklets. Jun/2017, p. 19.

Czechoslovak and Czech Republic stamps illustrated. Mar/2012, p. 2.

Detecting horizontal comb prforations on an isolated stamp. Mar/2023, p. 7.

Editorial. Dec/2012, p. 74.

Editorial: changes to Czechout. Mar/2013, p. 3.

Exciting news: website index to Czechout. Mar/2013, p. 7.

Exotic Hradčany type. Dec/2016, p. 23.

Express stamps: a history. Sep/2020, p. 25.

Extraordinary issue: the Mucha newspaper stamps. Jun/2013, p. 11.

Fates of the children from Lidice and Ležáky. Mar/2018, p. 8.

First Hradčany stamp and common die for the captioned design. Sep/2010, p. 84.

Fly fishing in a philatelic pool. Dec/2019, p. 19.

Hradčany tête-bêche enigma -- Solved? Dec/2017, p. 19.

Hradčany: a technical history. Jun/2018, p. 8.

Masaryk linden leaf issues. Jun/2016, p. 15.

Matrix conyndrum. Jun/2021, p. 21.

Mucha express stamp series. Dec/2020, p. 20.

Mucha express stamps: 2 haler. Mar/2015, p. 6.

Mucha express stamps: 5 haler. Dec/2015, p. 10.

Mucha's express stamps. Mar/2015, p. 14.

Mystery finally solved. Jun/2023, p. 6.

New POD titles. Mar/2021, p. 21.

Old mystery solved by a new mystery. Sep/2021, p. 17.

Origin of the 20 and 25 haler holubice types. Mar/2021, p. 10.

Recent Hradčany tête-bêche parcel card fabrication. Dec/2017, p. 26.

Recent research: the 125 haler TGM 1920. Dec/2021, p. 22.

The blue 5 haler dove: Plates I-III, XI-XIV. Dec/2015, p. 10.

The blue 5 haler dove: propagation of the original second negative flaws in the blue dove plates. Dec/2015, p. 10.

Translations of the first four volumes of the Monografie. Mar/2023, p. 6.

Typographic stamps of Czechoslovakia. Mar/2007, p. 4.

- As Reviewer

Falcon in flight newspaper stamps: a catalogue of plate identifier. Mar/2023, p. 21.

- As Translator

15 haler Dove. Sep/2019, p. 24.

1919-1920. The lost issues. Jun/2019, p. 23.

25 haler Type I Dove. Sep/2019, p. 24.

Agriculture and Science 1920. Sep/2013, p. 11.

Agriculture and Science 1923. Sep/2013, p. 11.

Chainbreaker. Mar/2014, p. 30.

Czechoslovak letter mail 1918-1939. Mar/2020, p. 9.

Czechoslovak post office names. Dec/2015, p. 10.

Dove. Sep/2013, p. 11.

Dove Issue: a handbook for collectors. Sep/2019, p. 22.

Hradčany. Mar/2016, p. 8.

Jubilee and charity issue of 1919. Sep/2020, p. 22.

Legionářské study series. Dec/2020, p. 22.

Masaryk, the intaglio issues. Jun/2019, p. 23.

Men of the London issue. Jun/2016, p. 9.

The Holubice series. Sep/2010, p. 23.

Wilson, Tom

Medicinal plants. Jun/1994, p. 41.

Some stamps of medical interest. Jun/1997, p. 32.

Stamps of Czechoslovakia: medicinal plants. Sep/2002, p. 78.

Wincewicz, Tadeusz

Dual language (Czech-Polish) postmarks of East Silesia. Mar/1996, p. 5.

Polish post in Zaolzie 1938-1939. Sep/1996, p. 61.

Witts, Roger

- As Editor

Czechoslovak revenues. Mar/2002, p. 7.